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12 Comments for OCTAE ON WIOA Regulations & Guidelines, May 25, 2015 – Comments and suggestions from the National Council for Adult Learning (formerly Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy) in response to the Department of Education invitation for input into Docket item ED-2015-OCTAE-0003, the Department's draft guidelines for implementation of WIOA.

Adult Education Briefing for Senate and House Leaders, May 12, 2014:

Adult Learning: Building Paths to a Better Future:
How and Where Technology Can Support Underskilled Adults
an EdSurge guide: www.edsurge.com

Cascade and LERA Perspectives on Work (the 1199c training model): http://1199ctraining.org/docs/cascade_no-78.pdf and http://1199ctraining.org/docs/POW_Vol18_Rnd4.pdf

EDucation & GEnder (Nov. 22, 2014) -- a 3-page review (in pre-typeset format) by Gail Spangenberg for the UNESCO Lifelong Learning Institute. This book looks at the history and trends of gender-specific education in 12 countries, eds. Oliver Holz & Fiona Shelton: www.caalusa.org/EDGE-Holz-pre-type.pdf. The published document, by Springer, may be accessed online at http://rd.springer.com/journal/11159, or in hard copy by subscription to the International Review of Education Journal of Lifelong Learning.

Federal Policy - SNAP Employment & Training, National Skills Coalition:

Learning care lessons: Literacy, love, care, and solidarity by Maggie Feeley (March 2, 2015) -- a 3-page review by Gail Spangenberg, printed online by the UNESCO Lifelong Learning Institute. It is authorized for distribution here in "pre-typeset format." The book is 3-year study of adults in Ireland with unmet literacy needs who throughout childhood were victims of extreme abuse and lack of caring at the hands of the church-managed Industrial Schools. The book gives guidance on designing programs to meet the needs of such adults. It focuses on affective barriers to adult learning, and is relevant for program design and professional development purposes anywhere where the goal is to serve low-skilled adult learners. it may be accessed onine or in hard copy by subscription to the Journal of Lifelong Learning, International Review of Education at http://rd.springer.com/journal/11159

Invitation to a Roundtable: A Discussion of Return on Investment in
ult Education (2014), CAAL report by James Parker and Gail Spangenberg: www.caalusa.org/InvitationtoRoundtable.pdf

“National Skills Certification System” of The Manufacturing Institute
of the National Association of Manufacturers:

(The) New Forgotten Half and Research Directions to Support Them, an update to the highly influential "The Forgotten Half" (1988), by James Rosenbaum, Caitlin Ahearn, Kelly Becker, and Janet Rosenbaum, January 2015, William T. Grant Foundation: http://wtgrantfoundation.org/newforgottenhalf This report focuses on the college drop-out rates of "Forgotten Half" youth and recommends steps to improve college retention and success for them.

Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) Blog,
U.S. Department of Education: www.ed.gov/edblogs/ovae/
“Past Gains, Future Goals” (a CAAL Blog posting) at

Power of Technology To Transform Adult Learning: Expanding Access
to Adult Education and Workforce Skills Through Distance Learning

– Mary McCain (2009): www.caalusa.org/POWER_OF_TECH.pdf

Random Acts of Progress: Certification of Readiness for Jobs & College,
by James Parker & Gail Spangenberg, CAAL (2012):

Reach Higher, America, the final report of the National Commission on Adult Literacy: http://www.caalusa.org/report.html

Realizing Innovaton and Opportunity in WIOA, National Skills Coalition,
A Playbook for Creating Effective State Plans (2014):

“Remarks at Closing of the PIAAC Research Conference”,
Gail Spangenberg,
Washington, D.C., December 12, 2014:
“SNAP E&T,” March 2014, Elizabeth Lower-Basch, Center for Law & Social Policy,
March 2014:

Stepping Up to ROI in Adult Education, by James Parker and Gail Spangenberg,
CAAL (2013): www.caalusa.org/SteppingUptoROI.pdf

“Thinking the future through skill assessment,” an interview with Irwin Kirsch:

Time for the U.S. To Reskill?: What the Survey of Adult Skills Says,
OECD Skills Studies, OECD: http://skills.oecd.org/Survey_of_Adult_Skills_US.pdf

“Time for the U.S. To Reskill: Consultation Paper”–- a preliminary
response to the OECD PIAAC findings (see item above) by OCTAE of
U.S. Department of Education. The paper provides background information,
definitions, key U.S. report findings, and implications and policy

Time of Scarce Resources, by Forrest Chisman and Gail Spangenberg,
CAAL (2012): www.caalusa.org/ScarceResources.pdf

“Training Policy in Brief: SNAP Employment and Training Program” with
opportunities for programs to serve low-skilled adults:

“What’s the Story?,” a CAAL Blog posting concerning the release of PIAAC’s U.S. findings: blog.caalusa.org/whats-the-story/



American Association for Adult & Continuing Education: www.aaace.org

American Association of Junior Colleges (AAJC): www.aacc.nche.edu/Pages/default.aspx

American Institutes for Research (PIAAC): www.piaacgateway.com

American Youth Policy Forum: www.aypf.org

Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAAJ): www.advancingequality.org

Campaign to Invest in America’s Workforce: www.americasworkforce.org
Center for Applied Linguistics: www.cal.org

Center for Disease Control Health Literacy: www.cdc.gov/healthliteracy/

Center for Law & Social Policy (CLASP): www.clasp.org

Correctional Education Association: www.ceanational.org

Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy: www.caalusa.org – the site is open through 2017 to give continuing access to CAAL's newsletters, essays and talks, and reports on ESL, distance learning, ROI, community colleges, certification, family literacy, numeracy, national and state policy, fiscal analyses, immigration, corrections, and more.

District 1199c Training and Upgrading Fund: www.1199ctraining.org

Excelencia in Education: http://www.edexcelencia.org

Jobs for the Future: www.jff.org

Learning Forward, formerly National Staff Development Council (basically focused on K-12, but includes important resources for Adult Education):      http://learningforward.org/publications/recent-research-and-reports

Literacy Assistance Center (NYC): www.lacnyc.org

Manufacturing Institute (NAM affiliate): http://www.themanufacturinginstitute.org

Migration Policy Institute: www.migrationpolicy.org

National Adult Education Professional Development Consortium (NAEPDC): www.naepdc.org

National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB): http://www.nawb.org

National Association of Workforce Development Professionals: http://www.nawdp.org//AM/Template.cfm?Section=HomePage

National Center for Education Statistics (PIAAC): http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/piaac/

National Center for Families Learning: www.familieslearning.org

National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS): www.nchems.org

National Coalition for Literacy www.national-coalition-literacy.org

National Council of LaRaza: www.nclr.org/index.php/issues_and_programs/education/

NGA Center for Best Practices, National Governors’ Association: http://www.nga.org/cms/home/nga-center-for-best-practices/center-divisions.html

National Skills Coalition: http://www.nationalskillscoalition.org

Outreach and Technical Assistance Network (OTAN): www.otan.us

Penn State Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy: http://www.ed.psu.edu/isal

Proliteracy: www.proliteracy.org

Ready Indiana: www.readyindiana.org – the premier example of a Chamber of Commerce-led adult education and workforce skills initiative

Teachers of Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL): www.tesol.org

Workforce Data Quality Campaign: http://www.workforcedqc.org

World Education: http://www.worlded.org/WEIInternet/



Health Literacy – listserv of the Institute for Healthcare Advancement (moderated by Julie McKinney): http://listserv.ihahealthliteracy.org/scripts/wa.exe?A0=HLDL
Public Policy – listserv for adult education and workforce skills sponsored by the American Association of Adult & Continuing Education: http://lists.literacytent.org/mailman/listinfo/aaace-nla

Lincs Information and Communication System (LINCS) – listservs of the U.S. Department of Education, several topical areas: www.lincs.ed.gov