WHAT ALP CAN DO FOR YOU We provide services to public and private entities at the local, state, and national levels––including adult education and workforce skills developers…city, state, and federal government education entities…governors, mayors, and other elected officials…business, industry, unions, and their associations…ESL and immigrant groups…research centers…health literacy planners...correctional educators…family literacy planners…community colleges and other postsecondary institutions… philanthropic organizations…and libraries and other CBOs. We also provide analysis and information services to the field at large. More specifically, we will –– 1. Undertake research and surveys to highlight and clarify issues and explore questions of strategic importance to planning and future action in Adult Education and Workforce Skills Development. [Develop specific research projects, identify and disseminate model programs, convene task forces and roundtables.] 2. Help business and industry associations, employers, and union leaders and their associations advance the role of adult education in incumbent worker training and workplace skills programming. [Give workshops, review clients’ prepared materials for training appropriateness and public accessibility, edit training materials, assist in improving community relations to expand funding, help coordinate planning, identify exemplary service models, advise on state awareness activities.] 3. Help federal and state government agencies and philanthropic organizations develop and achieve effective programming and change. [Advise on, review, and assess proposals and research projects and monitor and evaluate short- and long-term funded projects.] 4. Provide guidance on developing and providing program service and employability training and health care access and use to low-skilled adults including disconnected youth and those in correctional settings. [Review service plans and written material, develop partnership arrangements and communications, write and edit patient education materials, advise on strategies for outreach and support including distance learning and technology.] 5. Support local, state, and national groups in efforts to develop comprehensive professional development programs based on the latest research, including design and delivery of training and online professional development. Instructional approaches include deeper learning through questioning, differentiated instruction, effective lesson planning, formative assessment, self-regulated learning, student-centered learning, strategy instruction, and universal design for learning. [Develop evidence-based writing instruction, integrate reading and writing skills across instructional content areas in various institutional settings, and develop instructional, collaborative, strategic, and transformational leadership.] 6. Provide advisory services to WIOA state unified planning teams, health literacy planners, and others. [Review written material, assess readability levels, make site visits, convene and facilitate stakeholder input sessions for WIOA to solicit feedback from all partners, serve occasionally on or give guidance to advisory committees and boards of directors.] 7. Hold workshops and facilitate focus group discussions in adult education and workforce conferences and other venues – to advance the field, expand education and workforce opportunities, and support improved access to healthcare. 8. Provide speaking, policy analysis, editing, and writing services generally. 9. Maintain an active website and blog reaching thousands of adult education, workforce skills, and health literacy leaders and learners. 10. Publish periodic ALP policy and information briefs. The ALP website will disseminate publications that result from the work of Principal Associates and other ALP colleagues and advisors as appropriate. All projects are funded either by direct contracts or grants to ALP.