ALP’s Principal Associates* are currently:
Gail Spangenberg – ALP Founder and Managing Director. Formerly CEO of the Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy and the Business Council for Effective Literacy; program roles in nontraditional education and adult literacy with the Ford and Russell Sage Foundations and the Carnegie Corporation; studies of the CPEP & Regents External Degree Programs for NYS Bureau of Budget; CUNY governance study (Koch) and study of converting NYC’s Municipal Broadcast Facilities into an open learning system (Beame). Founding Member, National Commission on Adult Literacy. |
Mary Ann Corley – retired Principal Researcher and Director of Teaching Excellence in Adult Literacy (TEAL) and founding director of the California Adult Literacy Professional Development Project (CALPRO), American Institutes for Research; former director of the National Adult Literacy and Learning Disabilities Center and Maryland State ABE Administrator. Specializes in PD consulting for adult education teachers and administrators. |
Brenda Dann-Messier – Recent Assistant Secretary for the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education and Acting Assistant Secretary of Postsecondary Education, U.S. Department of Education, and for a decade earlier President of Rhode Island’s Dorcas Place Adult and Family Learning Center, dedicated to serving low-skilled adults and disconnected youth. Various other state and federal government posts. |
James Parker – Recently Senior Policy/Research Associate, Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy; Former Director of Workplace Literacy Programs, Office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education (now Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education); since retiring from government, professional consulting for education and business in workforce policy analysis and research. |
Randy Whitfield – Recently retired State Director of Adult Education for the North Carolina Community College System (served 21 years in that position). Former Director of Adult Literacy Training Project, Appalachian State University, and Consultant to Levi Strauss & Company’s national workplace literacy project. Earlier, community college instructor and administrator. Currently, consulting and training to state and local adult literacy programs. |
*Others may join as Principal Associates and will be posted as they do.