ABOUT ALP Adult Learning Partners (ALP) is a new organization established by Gail Spangenberg, Past President and Founder of the Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy. Its primary purpose is to improve Adult Education and Workforce Skills in the U.S. through attention to strategically important leadership activities that advance effective policy, planning, and program design and service. ALP’s core team, called Principal Associates, is a small group that may vary from time to time. Its highly experienced and widely known professionals bring formidable expertise together under the ALP banner to carry out projects of mutual interest. Individually and in partnership, we will help Adult Education and Workforce Skills stakeholders and professionals meet service, outreach, and equity challenges. ALP aims to develop understanding and action at all levels and among all stakeholders through examination of key issues and strategies...help adult education and business leaders develop and strengthen programs to meet the nation’s employability goals...promote professional development of teachers, facilitators, and program directors...support efforts to move under-skilled adults along pathways to job and college transition...improve health care access and services for low-skilled adults...and raise the skills of individual adults for fuller participation in jobs, college, and community life. Our work priorities are guided at the outset by Past Gains, Future Goals, a collection of essays in which 30 adult education and workforce experts provide analysis and advice on current and long-term needs and goals in the field, and by the findings of the recent Programme for Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). A distinguished advisory group supports ALP and its core team with additional guidance.
Adult Learning Partners, LLC Info@AlpAmerica.com
440 East 23rd Street - Ste 11c - New York, NY 10010 Copyright 2015 |
ALP is a Member of CIAW